48 School Buildings and Extensions Roof SPP Construction Work Results in Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Kilis, Osmaniye, Konya, Mersin, Şanlıurfa and Kahramanmaraş Provinces

The evaluation process has been completed for 48 School Buildings and Extensions Roof GES Construction Work in Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Kilis, Osmaniye, Konya, Mersin, Şanlıurfa and Kahramanmaraş, the tender of which was held by our Administration; YEO ELECTRIC AUTOMATION INC. - SEISO ENERGY SYSTEMS ENG. SINGING. VE TİC. Inc. A tender was awarded to the BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP company with a price of 42,394,037,00 TL excluding VAT.

As a result of our joint project with the Ministry of National Education, we have completed the installation of horizontal lifelines and vertical lifelines, which are needed to ensure personnel safety during the installation of solar panels on the roofs of schools.

In this project, YEO Technology Energy and Industry Inc. we worked with. YEO - We partnered with German KFV companies.

According to the coating types of the roofs; We have installed the horizontal lifeline with methods suitable for each of the sandwich panel cladding, tile cladding and seam sheet cladding type roofs.

Our KFW Project with YEO and SEISO is a beneficial study for a cleaner environment and educational institutions established for future generations. 

YEO Teknoloji Enerji ve Endüstri A.Ş.

Founded in early 2000’s YEO has become a leading company positioned along the electrification value chain–from power generation, transmission and distribution to the smart & efficient application of electrical energy. With technical expertise, comprehensive portfolio and long-standing experience, YEO is providing state-of-the-art solutions in fields of electrification, automation and digitalization. We execute projects as the EPC contractor in design, engineering, procurement, integration, installation, and commissioning for clients ranging from traditional state owned utilities to independent power plant developers.


SEISO is the one of the oldest players in solar industry more than 160 MW installation and it’s own SPP investments and main distributor of Japanese PANASONIC Corp. from 2016.


The KfW, formerly KfW Bankengruppe ("banking group"), is a German state-owned investment and development bank, based in Frankfurt. As of 2014, it is the world's largest national development bank[3] and as of 2018 Germany’s third largest bank by balance sheet. Its name originally comes from Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau ("Credit Institute for Reconstruction").

Development aid

KfW Entwicklungsbank (KfW Development Bank) provides financing to governments, public enterprises and commercial banks engaged in microfinance and SME promotion in developing countries. It does so through loans close to market terms using its own resources ("promotional loans"), soft loans that blend KfW resources with support from the federal government's aid budget ("development loans"), as well as highly subsidized loans and grants, the latter two coming entirely from the federal aid budget. Different country groups are offered different financing conditions depending mainly on their per capita income. All these financing instruments are part of what is officially called development cooperation and is more commonly called "development aid".

In German aid, the work of KfW Development Bank is called "financial cooperation" which is complemented by "technical cooperation" by GIZ and other public agencies. The main sectors of financial cooperation are water supply and sanitation, renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as the development of the financial sector. KfW Development Bank also works, among other sectors, in health, education, agriculture, forestry, solid waste management. It provided €7.4 billion in loans and grants in 2014

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